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Right To Information (RTI)

DISA observed Right To Information (RTI) day 2023. A discussion meeting arranged at DISA Conference room on 27 September, Pallabi, Extension, Mirpur 11.5, Dhaka. DISA HR & Admin Director and senior officials were present at that occasion. Important informations: Constitution, Acts, Rules, Regulationns, Circular were discussed in short and shared different experiences.

The government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh has enacted the Right to Information Act-2009 with the objective to empower the citizens by promoting transparency and accountability in the working of the public, autonomous and statutory organizations and other private organizations constituted or run by the government or foreign financing with the ultimate aim of decreasing corruption and establishing good governance in our democratic society in real sense.

As the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are dealing the community people with small scale financial services including the microcredit loans and savings; it requires to be transparent and accountable not only to the government but also to the community people who are the members of that MFI. There are 699 MRA registered Microfinance Institutes (MFIs) working in Bangladesh with 35 million members. Thus, for ensuring the transparency and accountability of these huge number of members institutions (MFIs); it is very much important for these MFIs to disclose their all information to its members, beneficiaries, public and government.

DISA has been working with advocacy issues for long time; especially on protection of Child and Adolescents rights. Recently, DISA has started to work with information rights of the public in line with Government and NGOs. In this perspective, DISA created a strong network with Information Commission (IC), Bangladesh. Observing the interest of DISA and its training wing DISA Academy in taking forward RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT-2009; Information Commission of Bangladesh has gladly come forward with technical support for the interest of the people especially through the huge sector i.e. Non govt. organizations and MFIs in Bangladesh.

  • Appointed Focal Point
  • Appointment of Assigned Officer