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DISA’s microfinance programme has proved itself to be a blessing for many disadvantaged families through a record of success by promoting financial resilience and achieving other social objectives – reaching the excluded, empowering women and developing the capacity of small groups of people to be in charge of their own lives. It aims to empower women, alleviate children and adolescents' hidden hunger, and eliminate rural poverty.
DISA’s microfinance programme has a particular focus in serving women from disadvantaged communities by providing them financial support through credit delivery and encouraging them to generate savings. DISA covers 108 Upazilas in 19 districts of Bangladesh through its microfinance programme with a network of 6,014 Village Organizations (VOs) under 102 microfinance branches. There are 1,18284,951 members and 87,644 borrowers as on August 2024, among them 83,728 are female borrowers.

Members’ Savings

Currently, there are three different types of savings plans offered by the DISA microfinance programme: General, Special, and Voluntary. For the past 30 years, it has successfully run both the General and the Special savings schemes. Members of the General saving plans are required to save at least 20 taka each week and have the option of depositing their Special savings too. Since these savings enable the members to cope with emergencies or unforeseen circumstances they are able to withdraw their Special savings at any given time. Additionally, DISA began its project for Voluntary savings.

Components of Microfinance Programme

DISA’s microfinance programme is built on a number of components that address the needs of the people. These components are:
  • JAGORON (Rural and Urban Microcredit)
  • AGROSOR (Micro Enterprise)
  • BUNIAD (Ultra Poor)
  • SUFOLON (Agriculture and Seasonal Loan)
  • ILFF (Innovative Loan Fund Facility)
  • Water Credit Adoption

The following MF data shows as of December 2024

# Loan Product No. of Members No. of Borrowers Loan O/S(M) Savings(M) Cumulative dis(M)
1 Jagoron 88,763 58,655 1,539.73 1175.53 23,189.65
2 Agroshor 23,549 22,248 1,415.25 487.05 16,818.87.67
3 Buniad 1905 1517 12.35 4.99 109.98
4 Sufolon 1152 1056 74.07 18.08 2121.12
5 ILFF 39 34 0.88 0.00 481.65
6 LRP 0 0 0 0 7.44
7 EFFRAP 0 0 0 0 1.43
8 IGA 0 0 0 0 0.05
9 WCAD 4179 3690 70.39 31.48 671.65
Total 1,19,944 87,531 3400.89 1,769.33 43737.84