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Bangladesh has a 74.6% exponential literacy rate and strives to provide high-quality instruction. DISA supports Bangladesh's efforts to provide high-quality education and has developed various programmes that might be implemented to do so. To begin with, DISA launched a center called ALOGHOR to pursue excellence in knowledge and information for the generations that follow. ALOGHOR is a community library which operates in innovative and distinctive ways. Moving along, DISA inaugurated a publication institute and a nursery under the umbrella of ALOGHOR, which are both operated with the purpose of making it self-sufficient. Furthermore, DISA primarily offers two types of scholarship for the children of the microfinance members- Microfinance Scholarship for the Offsprings of DISA Microfinance Members and Bangabandhu Memorial Higher Education Scholarship. Students with the Bangabandhu Memorial Higher Education Scholarship are all enrolled in public universities and medical colleges. Lastly, in order to enhance human resource skills development, DISA has two educational institutions- DISA Institute of Science and Technology (DIST) and DISA Training Center (DTC). .

DISA has implemented different educational programs like:

  • Aloghar-Knowledge & Information Center
  • Scholarship programs:
    • Bangabandhu Memorial Higher Education Scholarship for DISA Microfinance Members
    • Skills Development Programme through DISA Institute of Science and Technology (DIST).
    • Microfinance Scholarship for the Offsprings of DISA Microfinance Members

Bangabandhu Memorial Higher Education Scholarship

Since 2020, DISA has been awarding the Bangabandhu Memorial Higher Education Scholarship in honor of Mujib Barsha. DISA Microfinance Members Group is awarding this scholarship to 34 students of public universities out of which 6 students (4 male and 2 female) have successfully completed their studies. Presently 28 students (16 male and 12 female students) are being awarded. A total of BDT 25,23,000 scholarships have been awarded till August 2024.